Friday, January 30, 2009


Some things here can be a little frustrating. day starts out waking up with a head cold and not really wanting to face the day, but I do. On the way to taking the kids to school, Bryce and Tyler feel they must complain about living here. This is not the first time I have heard this. Must be the winter blues. They miss everything America has to offer. They want to go back to their house, be with their friends, and go to grandma and grandpa's house. It just isn't fair (they would say)! I give them the usually pep talk about how this is a very unique opportunity for us to live in another country and experience how this side of the world lives. Don't know if the pep talk did any good but it got them to go into school with their new friends. After just dealing with this hour of my morning I decided I needed a coke from McDonalds. Big mistake! Why you ask? Well after asking for a coke with ice (you have to ask for ice here or they will not give it to you), I took a big drink and very quickly remembered how bad the coke taste here. I'm telling myself its ok because I shouldn't be drinking this stuff anyway. I then head to Toys R Us to buy birthday presents for a couple of parties the kids are attending. Kylie and I picked out the gifts and proceeded to the checkout. I get my visa out to give to the lady. I tell her it is a swipe card (most everyone here doesn't have the swipe cards they all have cards that you insert into a machine and give a pin number). She says to me that we don't normally take these type of cards. I ask why? I mean I have been here for six months and have had no problem using this card as long as I tell that it is a swipe card. She asked for my id. I give her my Illinois drivers licence and she says I may have to get someone to approve this. At this point I really just want to get my stuff and go home. This should not be this difficult. Anyways she looks at me and just decides to push the little button on her machine and let my card go through. Then I told her that I would like to have gift receipts for the presents I have purchased. She then said we don't offer gift receipts. I asked her well how are they suppose to return the item if they don't want it. She replies "then I guess you are going to have to either give them your receipt or come back to the store with them so they can return the item. I didn't even begin to argue I just picked up the sack and Kylie and I left. I have only been gone for two hours this morning and am now frustrated. I am now giving myself my own little pep talk! You wouldn't think that living in another country that still speaks English would be difficult. Well let me tell you it is not as easy as you might think!


Jeff, Tina, Ian, and Jade Saad said...

The girl at Toys R Us must just be a brat....I always use my credit card and get gift receipts from the store....sorry to hear you had a bad day...I have had more than a few of those, but your time will go by so quickly and you will be back in the states very soon!!

Amy said...

Customer service in this country is definitely the pits! But hang in there -- I promise you will enjoy your experience here (as will the children). I moved here over 2+ years kicking and screaming...and now I'm crying because I have to say goodbye to all of these wonderful people we have met. Call if you need anything...

Anonymous said...

I just read about your day Friday and I had many of those days. I remember crying after leaving a grocery store in Belgium because the guy was very upset with me (in French) because I forgot to weigh my bananas and then later my apples-oops!! As I was reading I then scrolled down to the gym. Just remember, they don't have gyms like that around here!!!
Talk to you soon! Tam

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Laurie! It is February finally and summer will be here before we know it. That gym is awesome....I think you need to schedule a massage or some time in the hot tub. Gyms shouldn't just be torture chambers!