Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We went up to the top of the Eiffel Tower at night. We figured it would be neat to see the city at night instead of the day time, so this is looking down from the top.

We had to get a picture of Kylie with her Eiffel Tower shirt!

At night the Eiffel Tower would sparkle at the beginning of every hour. It was amazing to see something this big do that.....beautiful!

When it wasn't sparkling it would look like this.

This was just an area next to the Louvre. We did stop and eat at a cafe for lunch here.

The Mona Lisa was much smaller than I expected. It was in such a huge room and it was the only thing that actually hung on this wall. A glass case enclosed the painting to protect it.

Ok...you are going to laugh at this one. While we waited to get a picture of the Mona Lisa a big group from Japan was standing next to us. There were at least 25-30 of them. They all were dressed in their Kimonos and wore sandals with white socks. They kept starring at us and we obviously didn't know what they were saying. This lady came over to us and started talking to our children. She wanted her family to take a picture of them with her so we did as well. Then the rest of her family came to get pictures with our kids. It was like they never saw American children before. They were the sweetest people and we enjoyed our short visit with them.
You seriously would have thought that we were some type of celebrities.

This was the ceiling inside the Louvre where Picasso's paintings were located. They wouldn't allow any pictures of his work so I thought this was pretty cool.

We ate at the Hard Rock Cafe one evening.

The Notre Dame Cathedral was amazing. With its stained glass windows and vaulted ceilings it was for sure a site to see! We even went back to the hotel that night and the kids watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

This was looking down at the city from the Arc De Triomphe.

Boys standing in front of the Arc De Triomphe.


Wonderfully Made..... Psalm 139:14 said...

WAY WAY WAY Cool!!!!!!!!!!! I love them all. How sweet is that. I love the one of the Eiffel tower and Kylie and the one of the Eiffel tower the one in between the two sparkley ones. SWEET!!!!!!!

Holli said...

AMAZING PICTURES!!!! I am sad what all happen to you but so glad the pictures/camera was safe!

Amy said...

Excellent pictures!