When we woke up this morning we couldn't believe that it had snowed! We yelled....YAY its a snow day! England hardly ever gets snow, at least that is what they told us. I'm not too sure if I believe them anymore. Our British friends who we spoke with this morning said they don't get this much snow ever year. This much snow only happens once about every 15 years. They did cancel school and of course the boys were thrilled to hear that. Steve also stayed here to work from home (poor guy has to work while mommy and kids go have fun). I know if we were back in the states there is no way they would cancel school for only this much snow, but here they have to because they don't have the necessary equipment to clean the roads. It is really funny listening to the radio and hearing the British freaking out about how much snow there is and for everyone to not go anywhere. The children around the neighborhood are so excited since they don't get to play in the snow every year like we do, so the boys were off playing all morning and afternoon having a snowball fight with all the other kids. We also made a snowman and Kylie thought that was the best thing. She couldn't believe how tall he became. I must say that it is more fun playing in the snow here than home because it is not nearly as cold here as it is there.

I have enjoyed all your recent posts. I miss you and I am sure that doesn't make your frustrating day any easier. The pics are so cute. We'll talk soon. Love ya!
I'm so glad you got see snow this year. We Chicagoans have had snow (6" to 8") on the ground for the last 7 weeks. I'm so tried of seeing snow, I can't wait until it's gone. Have fun in the snow. Jeff, Kristi, Madi & Mia
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