A week ago, the boys had their first dance at school. This was very exciting for them for they got to dress up a bit and have a bunch of fun with all their friends. The school had two different sessions. Tyler was the first session from 5:00-6:15 and Bryce's session was from 6:30-8:00. The dance was held in the gym. They turned off all the lights and had disco lights circling the room. They also had a DJ who played a variety of songs the kids all loved. They played a few games and just danced the night away. The kids thought the dance was "so cool." I stayed the whole time with Tyler but not with Bryce. No moms stayed during Bryce's time. I don't know but I'm sure its not very cool for moms to stick around at this age. I did find out that Bryce danced with a girl he likes. That seemed to be a big deal, but you don't dare ask him about it. Only mom and dad can discuss it with him because he gets too embarrassed if asked by anyone else. On the way home when Bryce and I were discussing him dancing with the other girl he paused and said to me this is "awkward." He is growing up way too fast! Tyler on the other hand had so much fun dancing with everyone. The night was a big hit before they started their week off of school.