Here are some pictures of the fitness club we joined called Esporta. The lounge pictured above is a great place to go to meet people and eat lunch or dinner. We ate dinner their this last Wednesday after the kids' swimming lessons. The gym there is very big. There is another area with more weight machines, bikes, and treadmills. There is also three different fitness studio rooms where they offer classes. I usually go in the mornings after taking the boys to school and Kylie goes to the creche which is basically a babysitting service. She honestly does not enjoy it at the moment so I might have to come up with another option for her. The best part about this place is that it is very kid friendly. They offer many different programs for all three of our kids.
This is so great! you will love it. I have met so many fun people at the gym.
Tell Kylie that you'll buy her a smoothie after you pick her up. They are nutritious and they taste good. My kids love them.
I wish I could join you at the gym- but I will join you at the park for a walk!!! miss you hope to see you soon!
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